While protests were being held in Enschede and The Hague on Tuesday against the education cuts, Minister Eppo Bruins defended his OCW budget in the Senate. "Don't do it! I'm also saying that to the ...
A legitimate question, says Aldert Boonen, who represents the AOb is on the board of the ABP. “As a participant, you want that clarity. But we have no reason to assume that sustainable investing ...
The school, the Kennemer College Beroepsgericht, published yesterday afternoon after a conversation with Keeman a joint message on the website. The purpose of Keeman's exemption was to give him a rest ...
The strike payment of 61 euros is for a whole day and is tax-free. If you work fewer hours on the day of the strike, you will be paid in proportion to the working time. To claim the strike benefit you ...
Do you want to contribute to changes within an organization that matters? In a varied all-round position where you are given the space to innovate and grow? Then come and work as an HR advisor at the ...
De AOb heeft een nieuw dagelijks bestuur gekozen, met drie nieuwe leden: Coba van der Veer, Anton Bodegraven en Kim van ...
De adviezen die minister Eppo Bruins dinsdagavond naar de Eerste Kamer stuurde, leveren geen onderbouwing van de ...
Eén op de zes particuliere scholen heeft minder dan zes leerlijngen. De AOb waarschuwt dat de groei van deze vorm van ...
De tien finalisten die strijden om de prijs ‘Onderwijsteam van het jaar’ in het mbo zijn bekend. De finalisten houden op 16 ...
Terwijl dinsdag in Enschede en Den Haag actie werd gevoerd tegen de onderwijsbezuinigingen, verdedigde minister Eppo Bruins ...