Question: Can you clarify some appellate decisions that have resulted in confusing precedent? A: There are certain appellate decisions that have resulted in confusing if not jurisprudentially ...
In courtrooms across America, the gay/trans panic defense has long undermined justice for LGBTQ+ individuals. This ...
It is quite common for corporate clients to ask their attorneys to prepare written legal opinions for use in helping them to ...
How to Convey Your Merits In a Way That Earns Trust, Clients and Distinctions While humility is incredibly important in ...
The duties of confidentiality for attorneys and psychologists are fundamental to their professional relationships, write ...
A recent opinion by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and two recent opinions issued by the Pennsylvania ...
While regional tax incentives remain a draw for international candidates, policies requiring a specific percentage of Saudi ...
While these deceptive practices may offer short-term gains for companies, they ultimately undermine consumer trust and can ...
Given recent technological advancements, increased accounting complexity, and economic pressures, the threat of criminal tax ...
In a recent decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit employed such an analysis and ordered the unwinding of ...
Instead of leaving decisions to the battlefield of the boardroom or courtroom, parties should negotiate through various forms ...
Discover revealed late Friday that Mehlman was departing for a new job but didn't say what it was. A North Carolina company ...