Putin’s War Is Turning a Crisis into a Catastrophe Even before the Russian invasion, Ukraine was facing a demographic crisis. The population began aging way back in the 1960s. Then, in the 1990s ...
In May of last year, when Putin had himself installed in office for a fifth term, he said: "We are a unified and great nation. Together, we will be victorious.” It was a message to the entire ...
Two of her children were held captive by Hamas, as was – until a few days ago – their father. Here, Israeli Hadas Kalderon talks about her fight for the release of her family and the difficult return ...
For many years, the Syrian desert was an incredibly dangerous place. Experts believe the last remnants of Islamic State are still there. But are they really?
This video, too, is a fake, likely produced in Russia. The creators took clips from real videos and, as the activists from the fake-news awareness group Antibot4Navalny learned, then used ...
A Roundtable Discussion on Gaza "I No Longer Feel Comfortable in Germany" Five people with Arab roots meet up in a Berlin restaurant to talk about Gaza. After more than a year of war, they say ...
Die einen dachten an einen Science-Fiction-Film, andere befürchteten Krieg: Mysteriöse Leuchtstreifen über Deutschland haben ...
Der legendäre Handelsweg »Camino Real« verbindet Pazifik und Karibik und gilt als Vorläufer des Panamakanals. Er war längst ...
Die Tarifverhandlungen waren am Dienstag gescheitert, nun gibt es Warnstreiks: In Baden-Württemberg, Bremen, Hessen, ...
Die österreichische Justiz verhängte Untersuchungshaft über den Syrer, der am Samstag einen Jugendlichen erstochen hat. Wie ...
Die USA haben China im vergangenen Jahr vom Spitzenplatz in der Rangfolge der wichtigsten Handelspartner Deutschlands ...