Wednesday (Sept 18) high temperatures should reach the mid-70s for most NJ locations. Skies should be mostly cloudy with ...
Sunday (Sept 15) high temperatures should reach near-80 for most NJ locations. Skies should be mostly sunny, after another ...
Here's your weekend outlook covering the increasing humidity, Saturday rain, and beautiful conditions for Sunday-Monday.
Friday (Sept 13) high temperatures should be a repeat of Wed-Thurs. Low-to-mid 80s away from the ocean and mid-to-upper 70s ...
Here's your weekly outlook covering the amazing conditions this week and the unsettled conditions expected for the weekend.
Discussion: I’m seeing mostly ridging this week over the E US including NJ. This will allow temps and humidity to build today and especially tomorrow before a stormfront pushes through from N to S, ...
Discussion: This weekend, a decaying ridge over the E US will give way to the bottom/backside of a trough. This will change the upper flow from a warm and humid S/SW source to a dry and ...