Global organizations have warned that measles cases are now as high as they have been for the past quarter century.
A joint WHO/UNICEF report this week shows that measles has made a dramatic comeback across Europe and Central Asia.
Measles cases in the European region surged last year to reach their highest levels since 1997, the World Health Organization ...
There were 127,350 reported cases of measles, including 38 deaths, in Europe and Central Asia last year, marking the highest ...
The number of measles cases in the European region doubled last year to reach the highest level in 25 years, health officials ...
Europe saw the highest number of measles cases last year in more than 25 years, according to a new report published Thursday ...
Measles cases in the region had been declining significantly since their peak of approximately 216,000 cases in 1997, ...
Data presented in the monthly measles and rubella update by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) ...