Life expectancy in western countries, once on a steady upward trajectory, has hit a worrying slowdown with obesity, poor diet ...
The ‘great negotiator’ Trump appears to have conceded several key points to Putin before the talks proper have even started.
The clothing chain moves in to 1725 Walnut St. after recent closures of retailers Macy's, Vans and the North Face in the area ...
On a snowy prairie in Minnesota stands a monastery like no other. A concrete trapezoid banner encasing a bell tower looms ...
The Lancet published an estimate of 154 million lives saved by the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) that was launched ...
How do you solve Europe's lagging economic growth and reverse its industrial decline? Europe's answer to bring its economy ...
Imperialist rhetoric is becoming a mark of President Donald Trump’s second term. From asserting that the U.S. will “take over ...
As emerging economies rise, the global order shifts from Western dominance to a new multipolar era, argues economist James K.
America’s belief that it can be militarily dominant in every major region appears to be wavering. But without challengers, ...
Relations will be strained until European leaders recognize that foreign policy realism places the pursuit of the American ...
A month has passed since the inauguration of Donald Trump. What happened during this time? If you characterize it in one sentence, it will sound like this: "A weighty pack of yeast was thrown into a ...
Speaking in Munich last week, America’s vice-president, J.D. Vance, offered a taste of how the home of fine wines, classical ...