NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. has assembled the first hardware for its ZEUS microreactor—a 1:2 scale block designed for ...
Researchers have found an environmentally safer way to extract the lithium 6 needed to create fuel for nuclear fusion ...
State lawmakers are preparing to saddle Indiana electricity ratepayers with the costs incurred by investor-owned utilities to develop, or even just contemplate, small modular nuclear reactors ...
“The track record for this industry is abysmal,” said Taylor McKinnon, who is the southwest director of the environmental ...
President Donald Trump plans to discuss a ceasefire in Ukraine and a possible peace deal with Russian President Vladimir ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
A supplier of fuel for nuclear power plants has announced a $60 million expansion in Tennessee, promising more manufacturing of high-tech centrifuges there to enrich uranium ...
The demand for electricity is rising and as Missouri utilities plan for more power, consumer advocates worry about the cost — especially as nuclear power may be a larger part of the state’s ...
Members of the community gathered outside of TEP Tuesday afternoon to share concerns over the company applying for a federal ...
A Republican measure that would waive certain state regulations to allow data centers and other large industrial energy users to build small nuclear reactors ... by the closure of coal plants. And ...
An anti-nuclear group is planning a protest at Tucson Electric Power, following word that three utilities might pursue a new reactor in Arizona.