Western officials have accused Russia and its proxies of staging dozens of attacks and other incidents across Europe since ...
Ukrainian forces have retreated from Russia's Kursk region, now holding on only to small areas near the border, according to Ukrainian military maps showing ... and its allies (Belarus, North ...
the continued facilitation of Russia's war against Ukraine, the potential of civil unrest, and the Embassy's limited ability to assist U.S. citizens residing in or traveling to Belarus." ...
The second sphere has narrowed to Russia and its fair-weather allies Belarus and North Korea ... It is a fallacy of the wrong map and the wrong time. Anachronists see a map of the world whose ...
His overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and a recent decision to side with the Kremlin’s allies in Belarus and North Korea at the ... its ally's aid if British troops were attacked by ...
groups linked to Russia or its ally Belarus for cyberattacks, spreading propaganda, plotting killings or sabotage since the invasion. The Kremlin denies carrying out any such campaign against the West ...
After the onset of the full-scale invasion, the Russian army rapidly advanced on three fronts: the Southern direction from Crimea, the Eastern direction from the occupied territories and Russia, and ...
The export of Belarusian products to Vladimir Oblast of Russia quadrupled in 2024, Belarus’ Deputy Economy Minister Alesya ...
Belarus and Russia, unlike most EU countries, defend their own traditions and sovereignty, Editor-in-Chief of the Words and Meanings almanac Elena Kondratieva-Salguero (France) said ...
Belarus and Russia ratified the Union State Security Pact, expanding the nuclear umbrella and military integration. Belarusian dictator Aleksandr Lukashenko invites U.S President Donald Trump ...