Tirumala: In an effort to create awareness among school students on traffic rules, CI Hari prasad took a batch of 20 Tirumala ...
The Rehoboth Avenue paving project will resume mid-April, with crews expected to finish work just before the busy season ...
Hailed as a milestone in South African civil engineering, Cape Town’s new Sky Circle is set to ease traffic build up at the ...
As the recently constructed roundabouts at three busy spots in Palayamkottai have completely weeded-out mishaps even though ...
Electronics City Industrial Township Authority and Bengaluru Traffic Police are rolling out more digital boards for real-time ...
Repaving on Rehoboth Avenue will resume next month, depending on weather conditions. City officials say the Delaware ...
Parking reservations at Solitude and Brighton resorts helped pace morning traffic, but when they lift in the afternoons, it’s ...
Some Folsom drivers support adding circles to busy roads, but there is concern that some drivers will be confused by the new traffic calming devices. "It could cause a lot more accidents," one ...
Before the mast arm installation is complete, a brief full southbound lane closure will occur. This closure is estimated to take 15-20 minutes. During the full closure, southbound motorists can cross ...