Lord Ashcroft visits a top-secret drone facility where Ukraine’s state-of-the-art weapons that can strike increasingly deeper ...
Situated on the northern point of the Sea of Galilee, Magdala, at one point, was a robust fishing village. It was well known ...
SIRENS OF THE DEEP is an animated fantasy action movie on Netflix. Following the surprise slaughter of human sailors, a ...
“Creating a piece of art capable of withstanding the immense pressures of the deep ocean is a testament to the versatility ...
To ensure that artist Lakshmi Mohanbabu’s artwork is sturdy enough to withstand crushing pressure at 7km below the sea, material scientists from NTU invented a new manufacturing process.
4 miles beneath the ocean, this installation combines cultural expression with scientific innovation remembering victims of natural disasters ...
Homecrux got into a conversation with Miguel Arraiz García, the artist behind the 2025 Burning Man creation ‘Temple of the ...
Singapore is now the first country to have an art installation 7,000 metres beneath the ocean. It comprises three metal cubes ...
Alfred Moretti (Malkovich), known affectionately as the Wizard Of Wiggle, retreated from the public eye 27 years ago with a ...
RAY: 17th Marcb, from ARROW VIDEO RUNNING TIME: 105 mins REVIEWED BY: Dr Lenera In high hopes of attracting investors for her ...
Mining of polymetallic nodules from the seabed might lead to significant and long-lasting ecological changes -- both in the mined area, where surface sediments and the fauna living in and on it are ...