PGW will study the possibility of installing the renewable energy system for John F. McCloskey Elementary School and Dorothy ...
Far below the Earth's surface is an energy source with huge and perpetual potential: geothermal heat. But the forces in its ...
Philadelphia Gas Works is seeking a qualified firm to do a feasibility study for a planned geothermal heating and cooling ...
We believe the overall utility cost for the building as a whole will be less than in a typical building,” said Brooke ...
Scientists believed supercritical geothermal energy could be converted into a flow of electricity thereby boosting “the ...
Geothermal energy has great potential, but it has been underused for years. Although it’s been available for over a century, ...
You can heat homes with gas, propane, oil or electricity. Or you can make use of the virtually endless supply of clean energy ...
Quaise Energy has been dazzling us lately with its bleeding-edge plans to tap super-deep, superheated steam as a global power ...
The gas company is hiring a contractor to study the feasibility of a geothermal system to heat and cool a public school and a rec center.
Far below the earth’s surface is an energy source with huge and perpetual potential: geothermal heat. But the forces in its scorching and ...
An 8-kilometer pipeline is being built to supply geothermal heat to the city of Burghausen from the Kirchweidach-Halsbach ...
Geothermal heat pumps also offer an additional benefit by providing efficient cooling for data centers, further reducing ...