Yes, there is one direct Mail Express and Super Fast train running between Jharsuguda and Amritsar Junction. These include Mail Express and Super Fast trains. What is the distance between Jharsuguda ...
How many trains are there from Raipur Junction to Jharsuguda? There are 28 direct trains that run between Raipur Junction and Jharsuguda. The train schedules consist of 7 daily, 14 weekly and 6 ...
The Jharsuguda junction on Howrah-Mumbai main line is connected with the existing lines till Sardega. The new rail line of 366 km from Sardega through unconnected pockets of Sundargarh besides ...
Jharsuguda now has a direct air link with Mumbai as IndiGo commenced its daily flight service between the two cities on Saturday. The inaugural flight from Mumbai landed at Veer Surendra Sai ...