An octopus hitched a ride on the back of a mako shark in extraordinary nature footage released by the University of Auckland.
If there’s anywhere Team Lemon (formerly Team Mako) and Team Great White may find common ground, it’s megalodon speed. Rather ...
A real-life "Sharktopus" situation unfolded in the Hauraki Gulf near Kawau Island in New Zealand, and scientists couldn't ...
Somehow, a large orange octopus has been riding a mako shark off the coast of New Zealand. Researchers are mystified.
Researchers in New Zealand saw a colorful blob on top of a shark’s head. When they looked closer, they realized it had eight arms. By Melissa Hobson When she spotted the mako shark in the ...
Shortfin mako sharks are the fastest shark species in the world, reaching top speeds of up to 46 mph (74 km/h). They can grow as long as 12 feet (3.7 m) and weigh as much as 1,200 pounds (545 ...
That wasn’t the case for this octopus. In 2023, scientists spotted an eight-armed cephalopod riding on a 10-foot mako shark—and their video of the bizarre journey is now available to view.