Lithuanian has proposed amendments to the Law on Renewable Energy, aiming to reduce the country's second 700MW offshore wind project by around €500mn, the Energy Ministry said.The second 700MW ...
Kelionės mano kartai iš pradžių buvo tai, kas atskyrė mus nuo tėvų kartos, savo jaunystę praleidusios už geležinės uždangos. Nesuskaičiuojamai daug kartų girdėjau tėtį sakant, kaip man pasisekė, kad ...
On Friday, the Cuban regime announced in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba that the Lithuanian company, EBIORO UAB, has been granted a license to operate as a virtual asset service provider ...
Walker, who had been playing overseas for BC Zalgiris in Lithuania, had an NBA out in his deal which had to be activated by Feb. 18. Walker, the No. 18 overall pick back in 2018, spent the first ...
A Lithuanian artist has created a provocative sculpture depicting Russian dictator Vladimir Putin as a phallic figure wearing a military helmet, LRT reported on Feb. 17. The artwork, meant to express ...
Since February 9, when the Baltic States withdrew from the power ring of the BRES with Russia, industrial enterprises of Lithuania have reduced electricity consumption. Synchronization with the power ...
"Dragon's teeth" were deployed by the Lithuanian army in September 2024 to prevent the passage of Russian armored vehicles in the event of an attempted invasion. At the Lithuanian border ...
Lithuania was ranked No. 1 in the final team ranking posted by USA Ice Fishing, with a total weight of 37.432 grams and the least amount of penalties, at 32 total. Finland came in second with a 33 ...
Ewan Palmer is a Newsweek News Reporter based in London, U.K. His focus is reporting on US politics, and Florida news. He joined Newsweek in February 2018 after spending several years working at ...
On Saturday 15 February, after 5 weeks of semi-finals, Lithuania held the grand final of its Eurovision pre-selection EUROVIZIJA.LT. With a huge lead in the final vote, it's the song Tavo Akys that ...
A recent United States sanctions notice has put the spotlight on an alleged drug ring from Lithuania, purportedly headed by a “global kingpin” of the illicit trade who was previously ...
Image / James O'Brien of OCCRP A recent United States sanctions notice has put the spotlight on an alleged drug ring from Lithuania, purportedly headed by a “global kingpin” of the illicit ...