In a letter circulated in the churches, the complaint about the continuous opening of bars and pubs to make money from the ...
Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church challenges new Catholicos installation in court, citing 1934 constitution and seeking nullification.
THE senior Russian Orthodox bishop who allegedly the target of a murder plot by two ethnic Ukrainian laymen has asked to meet ...
A Palestinian evangelical Christian leader had earlier spoken, calling the movement ‘a heretical replacement theology that ...
Gregorios being installed as Catholicos of the Jacobite Syrian Christian Church by Patriarch of Antioch Ignatius Aphrem II in ...
It may surprise most people to know that there are many different rites within the Catholic Church ... He is the Bishop of Rome, Vicar of the universal Church, Primate of Italy; hmong others.
It s hard to imagine Christianity without the Nicene Creed Seventeen hundred years ago, what became the defining statement of ...
Leading the West Saxon forces was King Æthelred, and his younger brother, the future Alfred the Great. That year, the Danes ...
Pope Francis’s pontificate has been about evasion as well as empathy, and he has made it clear holy orders are reserved for ...
Grech said the new phase’s goal “is to ensure that implementation does not happen in isolation, as if each diocese or eparchy ...
The doctor also said that although Francis is no longer suffering from pneumonia, there is still some bacteria in his lungs ...