He broke up the old oligarchy of Turkish Pashas who under his predecessors had ruled the Empire from the Sublime Porte, and sounded for the first time a Pan-Islamic bugle-call when in 1880 he ...
How the bold, hopeful visions of self-determination in Britain’s eastern colonies curdled into a more militant nationalism by the end of the second world war.
The Ottomans are one of the most interesting, yet misunderstood, dynasties in history. How did the Empire come about? Did ...
"It is utterly dangerous and wrong to mischaracterise the investigations," Turkish Justice Minister Yilzam Tunc said.
A multidisciplinary and international research project has brought fresh insights into the origins and diversity of the populations that lived under and after the Hun empire between the late 4th ...
How did Britain's naval strength, coupled with the beginnings of the industrial revolution, lead to the establishment of a strong global empire? Discover the different tactics available to ...
and least of all such an announcement as that contained in the telegram on Saturday last to the effect that the Imperial Ottoman Bank had refused to advance any more funds for payment of salaries ...
Explore the inspiring story of Greece’s 1821 War of Independence, highlighting heroes like Ypsilantis and Byron ...
30 x 37 cm. (11.8 x 14.6 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
He lived in this palace from 1880 to 1909 and preferred it over the Dolmabahçe Palace because he wanted a more secure residence, building walls around the palace for additional protection.
3/1/1880: Strauder v. West Virginia decided.