They’re livestock requiring monitoring, medicines and maintenance throughout the year, so if this seems too much to take on, ...
Understanding bee distributions is essential to protecting these vital pollinators. Since conservation efforts and policies ...
There are a handful of plants that add visual appeal to your landscape while keeping bees at bay. Some include peppermint, ...
A friend of mine asked me why he would have pecans for some years and none other times. Harvesting pecans can be a challenge for those who live in our area. My family farm had four gigantic trees ...
The article highlights the role of various insects like flies, beetles, and wasps in pollination, which is crucial for the reproduction of flowering plants. Bees are well-known pollinators, but other ...
Research in New Phytologist indicates that the tendency of flowers to be “honest” and reward pollinators with nectar is partly genetic, meaning that it can be passed down through generations.
Bees often get all the credit but without the pollination powers of other insects, supermarket shelves would look empty. In 2018 when one German supermarket removed all the products that would not ...
An army of experts and citizen scientists devoted to documenting and protecting the country’s native bees is telling us a lot ...
Spring is a crucial time for pollinators, yet many of these vital species are in trouble. With over 1,500 insect species contributing to pollination in the UK, their decline due to habitat loss, ...
March in New England brings the earliest signs of spring. Plants that have been dormant all winter start to wake up and so do ...