Link Securities | Rail Baltica, the company in charge of building the high-speed line that will connect Estonia, Lithuania ...
Sweco, a European engineering and architecture consultancy, has been chosen as a part of a project alliance for the design ...
Two international consortia have been selected for the construction of Rail Baltica’s mainline in Estonia, marking a key step ...
Rail Baltica has named two preferred bidders for a high-speed corridor connecting Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to the ...
Opinion Piece / Ilona Bērziņa The newly appointed Minister of Transport, Atis Švinka (P), has promised a “truth hour” for the ...
The “Bererix” joint venture of Belgium’s Besix and Latvia’s Rere Buve has finished the first phase of a new railway bridge ...
Finland is exploring options to create improved links for road and rail connections to Europe, including a fixed bridge link that would span the Baltic. View on euronews ...
Šogad ir kritiski svarīgi sākt būvdarbus dzelzceļa projekta "Rail Baltica" posmā no Iecavas uz Lietuvas robežu, aģentūrai LETA sacīja satiksmes ministra amatam izvirzītais Saeimas deputāts un ...
High-speed rail link Rail Baltica will this year reach Pärnu County in southwestern Estonia after a contract was signed for a 16-kilometer section, at a price tag of €62 million. Anvar Salomets, ...
Latvija nokavētu dzelzceļa "Rail Baltica" projektēšanas darbu dēļ provizoriski zaudēs 17,2 miljonus eiro Eiropas Savienības (ES) finansējuma, liecina Latvijas Televīzijas raidījuma "Kas notiek Latvijā ...
The European Rail Baltica route in Poland spans almost 370 km. To date, Polish infrastructure manager PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. has rebuilt and modernized all stations and passenger stops on the ...
On Tuesday, Julijus Glebovas, Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, met with the heads of the companies implementing the Rail Baltica project in Lithuania and urged them to speed ...