San José's Mineta International Airport is revamping its retail with Hudson and Paradies Lagardère, aiming for a local, techy ...
BocaConnect, the city’s eco-friendly downtown shuttle, has expanded its service to include a portion of the city’s barrier ...
Ministry spokesman Collen Msibi said 12 people died at the scene and four at a hospital. Msibi said reports indicated that 11 ...
It's day two of a strike for VTA union employees from ATU Local 265. The two parties are not close to a deal, there's a 10% gap for wage increases and employees want other protections, including an ...
It took a while, but Waymo is now servicing its HQ and the place it was born. I worked there 13 years ago and have seen it ...
Federal investigators looking for the cause of the January collision between a passenger jet and an Army helicopter near ...
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) -- PayPal Park in San Jose could be home to a new type of outdoor entertainment. On Monday, the San ...
The coastal city of Monterey, California, caters to a wide variety of travelers, from hikers, bikers and kayakers to families ...
If you're planning a trip to Majorca, don’t expect to cruise through the charming streets of Sóller in your rental car. The ...
The security ministers from both countries met Monday in Peñas Blancas, a border post between Nicaragua and Costa Rica where ...
Now, to help clear the streets, San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan said they’re offering those folks a train or bus ticket home, if there’s a family member or friend willing to help them.
New buses are being introduced to the BAS.MY stage bus service, but the latest batch contains no electric vehicle (EV) units. The reason for this is cost, according to transport minister Anthony Loke.