Use this distance calculator to find air distance and flight distance from Mardan to Sahiwal or any other city in Pakistan. The distance show here is the Mardan - Sahiwal distance / Milage. Find ...
RAPE: City police arrested a youth who allegedly raped a transgender and later cut her hair for not meeting his demand in Mohalla Farid Ganjh, Sahiwal city. City Police station registered a case ...
ISLAMABAD: A fact-finding committee of the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has found serious faults with the coal procurement process for power production at Sahiwal and ...
Qayyum, 23, a resident of Sahiwal, who got married a week ago and ... station area on their way to home after shopping in the city. While they were crossing the road the driver of a speeding ...
Geomagnetic storms: When should we look up and when should we worry?
Use this distance calculator to find air distance and flight distance from Lahore to Sahiwal or any other city in Pakistan. The distance show here is the Lahore - Sahiwal distance / Milage. Find ...
Dr Muo Kasina the Institute Director at Apiculture Research Institute Headquarters, KALRO Marigat explaining about Sahiwal cows. Saddam, just like the late Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, is heavy in ...