On the calm waters of Lough Derg in Ireland, the small Station Island is home to one of the toughest pilgrimages in the world ...
This Stockholm Syndrome version of Christianity drains the church’s vitality and holds it hostage to the shifting values of the surrounding culture. When leaders decide it’s too risky to stand ...
He is an example of what I have called Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. He sincerely identifies as a Christian in his personal life, but the policy views of his public life don’t really reflect that ...
28 (UPI) --On this date in history: In 1784, the Methodist Church was chartered by John ... Olof Palme was assassinated on a street in Stockholm. In 1992, a bomb blast blamed on the IRA ripped ...
The preliminary injunction from the Maryland-based judge only applies to the plaintiffs, which also include a Georgia-based network of Baptist churches and a Sikh temple in California. They sued ...
The preliminary injunction from the Maryland-based judge only applies to the plaintiffs, which also include a Georgia-based network of Baptist churches and a Sikh temple in California. They sued after ...
We got the chance to join Singapore Airlines on a trip to Stockholm and the Stockholm Archipelago, celebrating the brand new route from Singapore to Stockholm. You ...
A federal judge on Monday temporarily blocked Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents from entering churches or targeting migrants nearby, a change in policy that religious groups fought as a ...
(RNS) — Thirty historically Black churches and projects, including those with ties to Civil Rights leaders who led churches and protests across the United States, are receiving grants totaling $ ...
First of a two-part look at border life. Last year, Elmer—whose last name is withheld because he fears deportation—traveled alone by foot, truck, and bus from Colombia to the Mexico-Texas border.
"As our nation struggles to address serious and complicated issues surrounding immigration, the Church must be a leader in embracing diverse newcomers and providing assistance and pastoral care to ...
The oldest churches have long stood as some of the most awe-inspiring structures in human history. Since ancient times, civilizations have gathered in these sacred spaces for worship, and many of ...