US President Donald Trump questioned the $21 million US allocation for voter turnout in India, during the FII PRIORITY Summit. He highlighted India's strong economy and high tariffs on US goods.
Current local time in Mayotte (Indian/Mayotte timezone). Get information about the Indian/Mayotte time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current ...
Enter any time in Asia/Kolkata and find the corresponding asia/kabul time using this Time Calculator. Asia/Kolkata is a UTC +05:30 timezone offset where as India Standard Time (IST) is a UTC +5:30 ...
The Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival has announced its competition lineups for the March event, a slate of ...
Rewriting History, Trump Blames Ukraine for War and Calls Zelensky ‘Dictator’ President Trump made an array of false claims as he tried to cast President Volodymyr Zelensky as a villain who ...
PADI® has announced the first PADI AmbassaDiver™ for 2025: legendary scuba diver, marine biologist, oceanographer and ...
US President Donald Trump has escalated his attacks on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, calling him a “dictator” and saying he “better move fast” on a deal to end the war with Russia.
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