Feeling lucky? Angel numbers are repeating numeric sequences, often used as guides for deeper spiritual exploration.
Three homes have been evacuated in Vero Beach as fire crews work to put out a growing brush fire that they began fighting shortly after 2 p.m. Saturday.
VERO BEACH — Five homes were evacuated Saturday afternoon and two roads were closed west of Vero Beach after two wildfires ...
More clouds Sunday, patchy fog, chance for rainfall this new work week.
The 18-foot vessel overturned Friday evening on the St. Johns River. Authorities are searching for for an adult and two ...
Long Beach residents near companies that use methyl bromide are angry that air quality officials didn’t notify them for years ...
Though there's no shortage of quality beaches in Southern California, this hidden coastal spot stands out for its quiet ...
First responders are searching the St. Johns River in Jacksonville for three missing people including children after their ...