Everyone knows Antarctica is cold and icy, but what's underneath the ice has been a mystery. Scientists used six decades' ...
A new study led by McGill University researchers indicates that humpback whales in the southeastern Pacific combine real-time ...
Last week, the BAS released Bedmap3, "the most detailed map yet" of Antarctica's landscape beneath its blanket of ice, a ...
Iceberg A-84 broke off from Antarctica and revealed a thriving community of sea creatures underneath. Now, researchers are ...
Antarctic security a concern for Canada, says top naval commander It's understood that climate change doesn't acknowledge ...
Global climate models predict that the ocean around Antarctica should be warming, but in reality, those waters have cooled ...
"But Antarctica is not an apolitical human paradise with untouched nature—a sort of continent for scientific inquiry alone.
Antarctica conjures images of an unbroken white wilderness but blooms of algae are giving parts of the frozen continent an increasingly green tinge. Warming temperatures due to climate change are ...
Scientists have discovered a “thriving ecosystem” of strange deep sea creatures on a newly exposed seafloor after an iceberg broke off near the Antarctic. At such a critical moment in US history, we ...
Subglacial water in Antarctica reshapes sea level rise predictions and reveals ancient drainage flow patterns.
“Antarctica is acting as a canary in a coal mine, on climate and biodiversity change” Ms Cannone pointed out. Categories: Environment , Health & Science , Antarctica .
Scientists' yearlong study on Antarctic microbial communities reveals how climate change alters bacterial and phytoplankton ...