A member of a group of international activists who were arrested while trying to aid distressed migrants on the ...
A fraudster’s attempts to deter online reports about him failed again, while BIRN's monitoring of digital rights violations ...
The worst affected countries, including Czechia, Poland and Romania, were hit by torrential rain from Storm Boris over the ...
In the final instalment of BIRN’s series about ordinary people who documented war in their own countries, Jehona Lushaku ...
Weary of high prices at home and hassles over EU visas, the number of Turkish tourists taking summer holidays in Bosnia is ...
Prosecutors accuse Serif Patkovic, a wartime Bosnian Army battalion commander, of shooting a wounded Bosnian Croat prisoner dead in the village of Dusina in 1993. This post is also available in ...
Serif Patkoviç. Foto: N1. Prokuroria shtetërore e Bosnjës njoftoi të premten se ka akuzuar Serif Patkoviçin për shkelje të Konventave të Gjenevës për Mbrojtjen e të Burgosurve të ...
Once the ruling party of Greece, the left-wing SYRIZA party is now the main opposition in the country’s parliament. However, resignations, divisions and crises in the party have never ended ...
Albania’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka. Photo: LSA In the early hours of Friday morning, MPs from the ruling Socialist Party declined to vote on a motion for the issue of ex ...