Built using ExDoc (v0.34.1) for the Erlang programming language ...
A user may have a number of "virtual" connections to other users. An MG is connected to at most one MGC, while an MGC may be connected to any number of MG's. For each connection the user selects a ...
Erlang programs are organized into modules. Each module in a release must have a unique name. Collections of modules which cooperate to solve a particular problem are organized into applications.
This section should be read with the supervisor(3) manual page in STDLIB, where all details about the supervisor behaviour is given. A supervisor is responsible for starting, stopping, and monitoring ...
Call/start a distributed Erlang node. The -address flag is typically useful when one wants to call a node that is running on machine without an accessible epmd instance. (Optional.) Use this option to ...
This document describes the erl_crash.dump file generated upon abnormal exit of the Erlang runtime system. Important: For OTP release R9C the Erlang crash dump has had a major facelift. This means ...
With an imperative language background (e.g. C, Python, Java, C++, Pascal, PERL, etc.), it takes most people about a week before they can write nontrivial programs, about a month to feel really ...
Main user interface for the Common Test framework.
A distributed Erlang system consists of a number of Erlang runtime systems communicating with each other. Each such runtime system is called a node. Message passing between processes at different ...
The erl_ddll module provides an interface for loading and unloading erlang linked in drivers in runtime. When describing a set of functions, (i.e. a module, a part of a module or an application) ...
If you need to keep a database that will be used by multiple processes and/or nodes, using Mnesia means you don't have to write your own access controls. It depends. Erlang has no problem storing ...