A new, expanded Challenge Cup for 14 women’s teams will sit beside the fabled StoreLocal Hospital Cup when Queensland Premier ...
Greetings one, greetings all. Can it really be Friday Rugby News time again? You betcha muddy footy boots it is. Another ...
Hi everyone, the teams are out the injuries are out and there is a bit of news. How good is Rugby. RFU Mismanagement & ...
Reds match. This Saturdays match against the Brumbies will also be the Queensland sides 100th female rugby match. The match ...
Welcome fellow GAGRs, it’s Hump Day so at lunchtime we can put last week’s games behind us – although Hoss did that on Sunday ...
Good morning GAGRs and welcome to another Tuesday. It was a massive weekend of rugby and Bris did a heroic job covering it ...
I wish Gleeson was staying but he's not... I think a lot of people are just impressed by Leafi and his seemingly bright future. 21 year old no.8 playing like that... What could have been for the U20s ...
Help keep G&GR a free rugby site. As you know, Green & Gold Rugby was created for fans of rugby, by fans of rugby, and we’re ...
Welcome back GAGRs to Mad Monday, that day where the rugby is over for the weekend and we pile on with our views and reviews. Our thoughts, emotions, anguish, celebrations, and sobbing like a scene ...
I’m sorry but what has Les Kiss done with the Reds to earn this moniker as some world class coach any better than McKellar or Larkham. Has been a coach for 20 years and won nothing with a career win ...
What has Schmidt specifically said about Kiss and/or any of the other local candidates for that matter? How do you know he has high esteem for Kiss and not the other coaches? How much time and/or ...