Animated sitcoms have evolved into several categories in the last couple of decades. You’ve got your wacky and dark sci-fi Rick and Morty, which makes you wince just as much as it makes you laugh (if ...
With an estimated 77% of devices using Artificial Intelligence,  and this figure only set to rise, people (women in particular) are growing increasingly wary about its impact on society. While many ...
York’s Restaurant Week 2024 is just around the corner, beginning 14th October. This is an incredible opportunity for students to experience the vibrant food scene that York offers, whilst taking full ...
On the University's financial information page for students, linked here, sections such as ‘Core Information’ and ‘What may change’ have been updated and reworded to align with the Universities’ ...
Two evenings ago, I was delighted to visit the Norman Rea Gallery for the opening night of their first exhibition of this academic year, entitled ‘Child’s Play.’ The aim of the exhibition, according ...
The casting process for Neil began with a wire armature, a visual reference of Long Boi, as he "never had the pleasure of meeting him in the flesh". The next step was building the structure with ...
Student protestors have disrupted a campus careers fair by forcing employer Aviva to leave. On Thursday 10 October, three student groups held a rally at the University of York Graduate Careers Fair.
So, another wave of fresh faced and naive first years have arrived in cold and windy York and I feel like it is my duty as a second year (and an avid clubber) to offer some helpful tips on staying out ...
Claustrophobia is a central theme of the film, manifesting in Carol's intense repulsion towards men, especially when they touch her. The recurring motif of hands underscores this discomfort, while the ...
Over the years, what began as a royal wedding celebration evolved, with the addition of beer stalls and carnival activities, into the Oktoberfest we know today – a vibrant celebration of German ...
In a conversation with Nouse, De La Ware expanded on his allegations against David Kato college. The former president suffers from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a chronic illness that can cause ...