Uzbekistan's participation in Eurasian integration can give additional advantages for business thanks to the opening of new sales markets and the creation of conditions for fair competition, Mikhail M ...
MOSCOW, September 9. /TASS/. Equipment failure is considered as the most probable cause of the crash of the Alex-251 amphibious airplane in the Moscow Region, emergency response services told TASS.
According to the newspaper, Harris’ aides "created a mock set-up to mimic the layout of the debate studio, cast a veteran Donald Trump stand-in to unleash harsh attacks and offensive comments, and put ...
The Russian top diplomat recalled that Beijing had earlier come up with an initiative for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli crisis and drew attention to its similarity to similar efforts by Moscow ...
According to the foreign minister, the United States "still cannot realize that longstanding attempts to stir up Russian society inevitably end in complete failure, as it happened this time" ...
"As always, Russian society responded to aggression and escalation with even greater consolidation around our president," Boris Gryzlov said ...
"The West wants to continue to do everything so that Russia, as they hope, approaches a situation when it will be possible to declare that a strategic defeat has been inflicted on us on the ...
"In addition to the bilateral agenda, we discussed the tasks we are facing in the light of the evolving international situation," the Russian foreign minister pointed out ...
The Russian foreign minister added that there should be "an immediate cease-fire" and recalled that the root of the conflict's problem was the "80-year-old unresolved issue of the establishment of a P ...
At the same time, the top Russian diplomat noted that no one is closing the doors on communicating with the West ...
The participating sides agreed on the importance of ensuring the safety of the international navigation," the statement read ...
The Russian Foreign Ministry added that the meeting confirmed the unity of Moscow and Vientiane's approaches to the issue of biological security ...