Does anyone know if there’s an actual currency exchange place in St. Jean? I am aware that I can get money out of ATM machines. Thanks in advance! Express Exchange es una casa de cambio (money ...
Bit of wishful thinking here. We were looking at our options over lunch today. I'd love to retire, but can't unfortunately. But I can work remotely. And ease back my working hours a bit. I'm hoping to ...
We are starting the third decade of the Camino de Santiago forum. The first post available for us to see is #1 on thread #3, titled “Hostal Suso” dated October 12, 2004. That is actually the third ...
Hi, I'm arriving in Santiago soon and was walking the Camino in memory of my parents who recently passed. Does anyone know if the office will allow more than one person to be added as "vicarie pro?" I ...
My husband, Jim, and I have walked the Camino Frances twice from SJPP to Santiago, in 2014 and 2023. We are now retired in our mid-60's and would like to pilgrimage again in 2026. However, this time ...
I am planning my 4th Camino, next spring, the del Norte from Santander, and have heard from others that Cantabria and Asturias are poorly marked with markers that do not provide directional arrows.
Check out the Guardian today, there's an article today "Spanish Steppes" In an article by Mark Everligh he suggests that few days walking on the Via del la Plata in Autum could be a very inexpesive ...
on the other caminos in Sept 2024 because I might hike one in Sept 25 or 26. ...very much doubt it... perhaps the Ingleses... In terms of the Norte, there is generaly a concern about beds, but as ...
I hope I don’t sound like one of those agitated new forum members who just gets on the forum to vent about an awful experience and then goes away and never comes back. I am agitated and I do want to ...
This has nothing to do with the Camino, but a general alert for woman. Last week I went to Guadalajara, we had lunch in a park and when I left the restaurant I decided to see if a house in the middle ...
There is a tomb in the Royal Pantheon in the monastery of Santa María la Real on which is inscribed "Reina Doña Clara Huraca Mujer de Rei Don Sancho". I can't find anything about a queen named Clara.