The University of Dundee has welcomed the announcement from the Scottish Government that it is providing an additional £10 ...
At HIC, we believe in the power of Health Data Research to shape positive and meaningful changes in health care outcomes for us all. Established over 15 years ago, we have built up a wealth of ...
“In setting out our proposals towards a financial recovery and a sustainable future we have adopted an approach of frank realism and honest self-criticism in our assessment of the current situation ...
Oxidative stress is explicitly linked with cardiovascular disease. Oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTM) of receptors, enzymes and transcription factors play an important role in cell ...
Obesity-associated insulin resistance is linked to increased deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) components, such as collagens, hyaluronan and fibronectin in insulin-responding tissues including ...
Endothelial dysfunction is prevalent in obese and elderly individual and in patients who have diabetes. It is a major contributor to peripheral artery disease (PAD) which is characterised by impaired ...
Metformin is the first line treatment for type 2 diabetes (T2D). T2D patients have lower vitamin B12 levels in their blood after taking metformin. It is not clear whether this decrease in vitamin B12 ...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex, progressive brain disorder that results in profound cognitive impairments, particularly in memory. A key pathological feature of AD is the build-up of ...
Inflammation has become a very topical area of investigation for the identification of new cardiovascular treatments. ‘Immunometabolism’ or regulation of immunity by metabolic pathways is emerging as ...
For Ujwal, art has always been more than just a creative pursuit- it is a means of storytelling, a way to express history, identity, and resilience. Originally from Kerala, India, Ujwal’s artistic ...
In 2024 we joined up with friends and partners from across Dundee and beyond to celebrate LGBT+ History Month. We hosted Dundee Pride in the public premier of a short film on mental health, welcomed a ...
Victoria’s poster on how changing trends in synthetic cannabis use in prisons can inform strategies aimed at reducing supply and mitigating harm will be judged against dozens of other entrants. STEM ...