The rabbis clearly concluded that if any information gets into the wrong hands, it can cause harm, but that doesn’t mean that devices or information for the benefit of humanity – or for the protec ...
The fact that we are witnessing a decline in adoptions of IHRA globally is a dangerous setback for Jews, and directly impinges on the safety of the Jewish People.” ...
Did NOT stand with Israel; Did NOT call Hamas a terrorist group that must never be allowed to rule Gaza; Did NOT say he supports arming Israel to defend itself; Did NOT mention p ...
Some of Kamala Harris’s supporters constitute yet another ominous omen in the perturbing accumulation that the prospect of her victory portends.
We were dismayed by President Biden’s offer the other day of a military assistance and diplomatic backing “compensation package” if Israel would refrain from attacking certain sites in Iran – believed ...
Because of my early preoccupation with good and evil, already in high school, I hated Communism. How could one not, I wondered.
Why are we so stubborn as adults, who should know with so much more reason and logic, that if we just say sorry, we would be able to move on from arguments so much faster.
On a personal level, man to man, when you forgive someone for a perceived slight, you reclaim your peace of mind.
Forgiveness by our fellow man results in him putting aside his pain and resentment, even though those feelings were justified. This is an incredible act of emotional generosity.
Slicha takes on a different significance during Yom Kippur when we are reminded that not one human exists without fault.
About 20 rockets were fired in a massive barrage aimed at the city, which has come under multiple daily attacks from Lebanon since the start of the war by Hezbollah on October 8, 2023.
The trauma of the brutality continues past the year anniversary. Hostages remain. The Iranian Proxies War continues. The PTSD ...