The regulations terminate the continued application of the Sec. 367(d) annual inclusion in certain cases when intangible property is repatriated to the United States after previously being transferred ...
The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration estimated that a change in policy for pre-refund examinations resulted in payment of $2 billion in erroneous employee retention credit claims.
The 2024 BDO Audit Innovation Survey found that 54% of leaders expect their audit firm to use artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies to enhance the audit experience, but the human ...
The IRS issued the final regulations identifying these abusive transactions and substantially similar ones as listed transactions that must be reported to the agency.
Finance leaders are increasingly being asked to devise plans that use new technologies to improve the bottom line. Recent survey results highlight the most common approaches leaders are taking.
College professors teach young adults, who require a different approach than children. Learn more in this Academic Update ...
The IRS said it was providing disaster relief for individuals and businesses in all or part of seven states. Also, the AICPA sent a letter to FinCEN seeking extensions for BOI and FBAR reports that ...
Alicia Antonetti-Tricker, a principal at Crowe LLP, remembers a time when she saw very few women in leadership roles in the accounting profession. Whether barriers were real or perceived, she said, ...
Public company audits can benefit from expert input, particularly in the rapidly changing world of cryptoassets. Also, the SEC, FASB, and FASAB issued regulatory updates.
CPA firms can protect themselves from falling victim to a wire fraud scheme by taking these actions before, during, and after payment processing.