"The current economy is brain unhealthy," said Harris Eyre, MD, PhD, of the Neuro-Policy Program and Harry Z. Yan and Weiman ...
An analysis of short-term dietary changes indicated that it resulted in less changes in gut-derived appetite hormones than ...
The new discounted single-dose formulation will likely improve access to low doses of the weight loss drug for certain ...
Genetic testing can identify missed cystic fibrosis cases, while new biomarkers could improve the monitoring of inflammation ...
More collaboration between cardiac and vascular specialists as well as the cardiovascular applications of artificial ...
These findings support the use of both neoadjuvant and adjuvant nivolumab in patients with resectable NSCLC, Patrick M. Forde ...
Greater consumption of specific alcoholic beverages, such as beer or cider, was associated with an increased risk for gout in ...
Hispanic/Latinx and Black patients are underrepresented in immune checkpoint inhibitor clinical trials, but recent years have ...
Dementia risk in older adults varied significantly by region across the country, particularly among Black or Hispanic ...
Balloon angioplasty plus medical management offered better outcomes in patients with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic ...
Professor Ji-Guang Wang has spent his career treating and researching hypertension in China, where rates have risen from 10% to 30% in the past three decades.
Patients may soon have a second drug class available to slow the progression of transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy, a fatal disease, results of the HELIOS-B trial indicates.