A scientist team also determined a possible timeframe for how long it can survive. Here are a few types to watch out for.
Sold via a frequented retailer, this unusual issue makes it advisable not to let clothing touch bare skin after washing in ...
It's reported more than 8 million Americans take a blood thinner. One has been recalled for potential absorption issues.
Around 5 million American women have PCOS, which plays into weight, reproductive health, and fertility outcomes. Here's ...
It's infected an adult cat and a kitten. Veterinary experts advise on what to do if your pet eats the product, and if you've ...
Over 30 million Americans take antidepressants. Researchers found four specific types with ties to cognition loss later in ...
It's manufactured by one of the biggest names in personal care and marketed for its nontoxic ingredients. Here's what's in ...
Now, as she celebrates having turned 50 on February 25, the comedienne is once again hitting the slopes in a bikini (a ...
It's said 86 million Americans have high cholesterol. Here's an important heads-up for statin users in two U.S. regions.
It's “a covert form of the pink tax,” say experts, adding it “isn’t as visible as product price markups, but is just as impactful.” ...
During a week when sleep is already disrupted, one long-trusted brand name is being flagged for a potential health risk.
A certified clinician says if your head routinely throbs after a meal, you might take a closer look at what's on your plate.