Kyiv Holy Dormition Caves Lavra
© Kyiv Holy Dormition Caves Lavra (monastery) of Ukrainian Orthodox Church 1991-2025. It is mandatory that any information used from this site by the Print Media be acknowledged by inclusion of a link to this the official website of the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra.
General information — Kyiv Holy Dormition Caves Lavra
The Holy Dormition Kyiv-Caves (“Kyiv-Pechersk”) Lavra is the first and the most ancient monastery on the territory of contemporary Ukraine. At present, only three monasteries in our state are endowed with the status of “lavra” and all are consecrated in honour of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, they are: Kyiv-Caves Lavra, the ...
Chronicle of the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
1992 – Election of Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan) to the chair of Kiev prelates and giving him the title of Holy Archimandrite of the Lavra. Invention of the relics of the Russian Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and Galychyna (Bogoyavlensky), the first new martyr being in miter.
Places to visit — Kyiv Holy Dormition Caves Lavra
Enjoyed by the beauty of the land-based part, let us with the greatest venertion go down to those holy places which have given spring not only to the Kiev-Caves Lavra but also served as the cradle of the monasticism in Holy Rus.
Свято-Успенская Киево-Печерская Лавра
Офіційний сайт Києво-Печерської Лаври. Память прп. Лаврентия, затворника Печерского, епископа Туровского, в Ближних пещерах (+1194) и другого Лаврентия, прп. затворника Печерского, в Дальних пещерах (xiii—xiv); прп.
Lavra in the Christian history — Kyiv Holy Dormition Caves Lavra
Apr 24, 2024 · In 1051, during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise and metropolitan service of saint Hilarion (ссылка), the Kiev-Caves Lavra began its existence by God’s Providence in Kiev, the capital.
The formation of Caves’ monastary — Kyiv Holy Dormition Caves …
Apr 17, 2018 · Beginning with the 40s of XIIIth century and up to the beginning of XIVth century the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra witnessed Mongolian and Turkish raids and together with the people endured miseries. Golden Horde khans, realizing the meaning of Kiev for the Eastern Slavs, interfered with reviving of the city in every possible way.
Chronicle of the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra — Kyiv Holy ...
© Kyiv Holy Dormition Caves Lavra (monastery) of Ukrainian Orthodox Church 1991-2025. It is mandatory that any information used from this site by the Print Media be acknowledged by inclusion of a link to this the official website of the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra.
The short movie about prayer in Far caves released
Feb 5, 2019 · This film will be of interest to the monks of the Kiev-Caves Lavra, to numerous parishioners and pilgrims paying daily visits to the Caves Monastery on the Kiev Hills with prayers to the venerable fathers.
Kiev-Caves Lavra open for visiting
May 25, 2020 · Beloved brothers and sisters in God, dear parishioners and pilgrims of the Holy Kiev-Caves Monastery, Christ is risen! We are pleased to announce that after the long enforced pause due to the quarantine, the gates of our monastery are open again to all comers.