Russian alphabet - Wikipedia
The Russian alphabet (ру́сский алфави́т, russkiy alfavit, [a] or ру́сская а́збука, russkaya azbuka, [b] more traditionally) is the script used to write the Russian language.
Russian Alphabet Table - Russian Lesson 1
In the table below is the full Russian alphabet in presented in dictionary order. It would also be useful to learn how to say the Russian letters.
Russian Alphabet Table with Sound – RusslandJournal.de English
The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters: 10 vowels (а, е, ё, и, о, у, ы, э, ю, я), 21 consonants and 2 signs (hard and soft) that are not pronounced. The Russian alphabet uses the Cyrillic script.
Russian Alphabet with Sound and Handwriting - Russian For …
There are 33 letters in the Russian Alphabet: 10 vowels, 21 consonants, and 2 signs (ь, ъ). Russian is an Eastern Slavonic language closely related to Ukrainian and Belorussian with about 277 million speakers in Russia and 30 other countries.
The Russian Alphabet: A Simple Guide | FluentU
May 15, 2024 · The Russian alphabet, or Cyrillic, is the first thing that you should learn before moving on to vocabulary or grammar practice. This guide will show you all 33 Russian letters, how they're pronounced and how you can learn them well.
How to read Russian: The Russian alphabet - Russian for Free
Learning the Russian alphabet (русский алфавит) and knowing how to read its letters, is the first step in the path to speak this language. Besides, this is much easier than you might think.
Russian Alphabet│33 Russian Letters│Pronunciation in Russian
Mar 4, 2020 · Russian alphabet & reading rules - Russian print letters and handwritten cursive - Learn correct vowel and consonant pronunciation.
Russian Alphabet - Russian Language Lesson 1
There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet. 11 vowels, 20 consonants, and 2 pronunciation signs. Here is what the Russian alphabet looks like (in dictionary order). А, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Ё, Ж, З, И, Й, К, Л, М, Н, О, П, Р, С, Т, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, Э, Ю, Я. Now let's have a look at these letters in detail.
Russian Language Alphabet - listen online and practice …
Listen to the pronunciation of Russian Letters. Learn how to pronounce the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet with audio recordings. Cyrillic alphabet looks different from the Roman one. Each letter has a name and a corresponding sound. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to …
Learn Russian Alphabet - Cyrillic letters - Free Russian language …
These five Russian letters remind the letters of the English alphabet by look and pronunciation. Take a moment to study them and you will be able to read a few simple Russian words. A а - pronounced as in "father". It should not be confused with "a" as in "fate" or "map". K к - pronounced as in "king". M м - pronounced as in "most".